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I look at you
I laugh so loud
Did you just step
Off of a cloud

You are such a joke
It is plain to see
You are just a clone
No specialty

Why do you even
Get up each day ?
You only know
You are in the way

Don't try to think
You've no excuse
You shouldn't be
You have no use

Don't worry if you're
Not here tomorrow
No one will miss you
There will be no sorrow

We will all go on
You just won't be there
Yet it is just the same now
Nobody Cares...


They are all around
We call them clones
They are all the same
They are not alone

They act alike
They look alike
They talk alike
They walk alike

You can call them zeros
Or pretend they are not there
You can call them nobodies
But they are everywhere

The clones are on the left
The clones are on the right
To me those clones will always be
A very funny sight

For if you really think about it
You will see they have no place
They have no reason to be alive
They are really just taking up space

If only they would try to be
As individual as you or me

For I know that they should
And I know that they would

But I am really not sure

If even they could..