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Is Love just a feeling
Or is it a state of mind,
Can Love really be Love
If it isn't always kind
Is there really such a thing
As a totally perfect Love,
I mean the type of romance
That was sent from God above
Is there any reason
Why we must put our hearts on the line,
Without us ever knowing
If we'll pass the test of time
Is there a certain structure
A type of guide-line case,
So your Love doesn't snap back
And slap you in the face
Why can't we all be paired off
And shown the one who's right,
Or is that little idea
Beyond even the Lords sight
I guess we're on our own to find
the Lover who is real,
The one who really Loves you
And respects the way you feel
So while your out there searching
For that real Love Love affair,
We can only hope and pray to God
That there is Someone Somewhere.....


The deal is this
It's us or them
It's Live to Kill
We have to win

Don't stop to think
It's not your place
Go back up front
Go fill a space

Don't worry 'bout nothing
We're in control
Just do your job
We'll keep the toll

The world is what
We want to own
Your life is small
This fact we've known

The numbers don't matter
the goal is what counts,
Just go out and shoot
Just go out and pounce

And if you don't make it
That's if you don't live,
Don't worry 'bout that
Your Life was ours to give......


They shaved my head
And feed me chow,
I used to walk
But I march now

I liked brown clothes
But now I wear Green,
Just like the other Boots
It's such a scene

I sleep in bunks
Made of cold, hard steel,
My mind is confused
On how to feel

I know I will
Learn allot from this,
But the casual california life
Is what I miss

For it's snowing outside
I'm wearing long pants,
I just wish there was somewhere
To cut loose and dance

But I'm here for some training
The Army Style way,
And I'll learn from this shit
Every single lame day...